From: Donald Macdonald <>
Date: 29/06/2011 11:53:24 UTC
Subject: scots law on rights in security

Dear all,
Not, strictly, an Obligations matter, but you may like to know that the Scottish Law Commission has just issued a Discussion Paper (No. 151) on "Moveable Transactions": in fact this means (a) transfer of incorporeal moveable property, (b) security over corporeal moveable property, and (c) security over incorporeal moveable property.  It is a substantial and wide-ranging document, which takes into account - besides Scots and English law - continental European approaches, personal property security reform in Commonwealth jurisdictions, and economic theories about the role of security in commerce.  As such, it should prove of wider interest.   As a Disc Paper it is open to comment till end September.
Sadly, there are no pictures: it looks as if the vibrant colour photos in the Commissions' recent paper on Level Crossings were a one-off.
Ross Macdonald (School of Law, University of Dundee)
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